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We support legislation that seeks a single payer improved Medicare for All program as well as legislation that takes steps towards removing and better controlling private middlemen insurance companies and their pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) contractors. These middlemen provide no actual health care, cause healthcare costs to skyrocket and limit access to medically necessary care.
Click here to write all your legislators in support of all these important bills

Federal Single Payer
Medicare-for-all bills
H. 3421 Medicare for All Act 2023 (Jayapal)
S. 1655 Medicare for All Act 2023 (Sanders)

2024 State Single Payer Bills
State Single Payer Program - Senate Bill 2628
Opposition to Medicare Advantage
Senate Bill 2402 and House Bill 7887
Medicaid Managed Care Organization (MCO) Oversight
Senate Bill 2387 and House Bill 7898 (comprehensive)
Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) Oversight
Senate Bill 2385 and House Bill 7139 (comprehensive)
Senate Bill 2395 and House Bill 7720 (fair payments to independent pharmacies)
Senate Bill 2605 (independent pharmacy protection)
Utilization Management
Senate Bill 2614 and House Bill 7623 (Prescription Drug Prior Authorization)
Senate Bill 2611 and House Bill 7822 (Step Therapy)
Senate Bill 2403 and House Bill No. 7151 (High Physical Therapy Co-Pays)
Mental Health Parity
Senate Bill 2612 and House Bill 7876 (Model Bill)
Senate Bill 2393 and House Bill 7624 (Prior Authorization Limits)
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